Marija Handmade Great Fashion Show by outstnding Serbian designer Marija Ivanković Jurišić from Marija Handmade will be held at Grand Hall of Mosman Art Galerry at 1 Art Gallery Way in Sydney on Friday March the 15th at 7pm. Marija Handmade will present „Dune“, their new Spring/Summer 2019 collection and the visitors will have an exclusive chance to buy some of the designs from this exquisite handmade limited edition collection. Nest Inc from Sydney, the organizer of this show, invites everyone to join them at the after–show cocktail and meet the designer as well. You may purchase tickets here and find more info here.

Gloria Milanovic from Serbian Consulate in Sydney with designer Marija Ivanković Jurišić (Marija Handmade)

Marija Handmade creations are inspired with Serbian traditional clothing and made of handmade fabrics of highest quality. Personal touch and design by Marija Ivanković transform tradition into modern, sophisticated clothes for women with style. Women from all over the world wear Marija Handmade collections with pleasure.

At the recent exhibition of these models at Serbian Festival in Darling Harbour in Sydney women of different origins also bought these models. Several officials and respected members of Serbian, Italian, Japanese, French and other communities in Sydney visited the exhibition. We are proud that our editor Jelena Kiš was giving speech at the exhibition opening. There was also a fashion workshop and exhibition by Marija Ivanković for Women’s Day at Warringah Mall’s beautiful venue The Suite.

Marija Handmade creates also an exclusive designed fabrics for French market and beyond. The story of young and yet very successful and renowned designer Marija Ivanković sounds like a movie plot. She started Marija Handmade aiming not only to create great team for creating fabrics and haute couture clothing but also to provide jobs for unemployed women in her hometown Šabac (Serbia). This humane success story is also what makes so special Maria Handmade. We believe that the stylish Australian ladies will also recognize the beauty and quality of Maria Handmade clothing and won’t miss out their exclusive fashion show at Mosman Galerry this Friday. It is thousands of years of Serbian and European culture and tradition transformed in breathtaking exclusive and modern pieces of cloth.

*Click any photo to open the gallery

Australiana Serba SerbaAS News1 Art Gallery Way Sydney,Australia,Dune,Dune Collection,fashion show,France,Gloria Milanović,Grand Hall - Mosman Art Gallery,Jelena Kiš,Marija Handmade,Marija Ivankovic,Marija Ivanković Jurišić,Mosman Art Gallery,NEST Inc.,Šabac,Serbia,Serbian Festival,spring summer collection,Sydney,Warringah Mall,Warringah Mall Sydney,Warringah Mall The SuiteMarija Handmade Great Fashion Show by outstnding Serbian designer Marija Ivanković Jurišić from Marija Handmade will be held at Grand Hall of Mosman Art Galerry at 1 Art Gallery Way in Sydney on Friday March the 15th at 7pm. Marija Handmade will present „Dune“, their new Spring/Summer 2019 collection...Internet Magazine